
理查德·馬修·斯托曼 (RMS) – 神級程序員之一。他是一名程序員,是 GCC、GDB、Emacs 的構建者,軟體自由的傳教士,GNU Project 和 FSF 的創辦人。
GNU 是 「GNU』s Not Unix!」的遞歸縮寫。GNU 是一系列用於基於 Unix 的操作系統的自由軟體集合。它能用於 GNU/Hurd 和 Linux 內核。於1983年9月27日公諸於眾。常用組件有:
- GNU Compiler Collection (GCC)
- GNU C library (glibc)
- GNU Core Utilities (coreutils)
- GNU Debugger (GDB)
- GNU Binary Utilities (binutils)
- GNU Bash shell
- GNOME desktop environment
自由軟體基金會 (FSF) – 一個自由軟體的非營利組織,致力於推進計算機用戶的自由和捍衛他們的權力。於 1985年10月4日成立。閱讀更多。
許多人不理解 開源代碼 和 自由軟體 的區別。每個程序都應該是自由軟體:
- 與目的無關,隨心運行程序的自由(自由0)。
- 學習程序如何運作,並改變它為你所用的自由(自由1)。可以訪問源碼是這一條的前提。
- 重新發布副本的自由,如此你便可以幫助你周圍的人(自由 2)。
- 發布自己修改版本給他人的自由(自由 3)。這樣能讓整個社區有機會從你的改變中受益。可以訪問源碼是這條的前提。
關於 Facebook:
Facebook is not your friend, it is a surveillance engine.
Facebook 不是你的朋友,是監控引擎。
關於 Android:
Android is very different from the GNU/Linux operating system because it contains very little of GNU. Indeed, just about the only component in common between Android and GNU/Linux is Linux, the kernel.
Android 和 GNU/Linux 有很大的區別,因為其中幾乎沒有 GNU。的確,Android 和 GNU/Linux 之間僅有一個共同組件,那就是內核 - Linux。
The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women's fashion.
計算機行業是唯一一個比女性時尚業更容易受潮流影響的行業了。(LCTT 譯註:感謝 BIAOXYZ 的修正意見。)
The interesting thing about cloud computing is that we've redefined cloud computing to include everything that we already do.
Whether gods exist or not, there is no way to get absolute certainty about ethics. Without absolute certainty, what do we do? We do the best we can.
Free software is software that respects your freedom and the social solidarity of your community. So it's free as in freedom.
If you want to accomplish something in the world, idealism is not enough - you need to choose a method that works to achieve the goal.
Sharing is good, and with digital technology, sharing is easy.
關於 facebook(進階版):
Facebook mistreats its users. Facebook is not your friend; it is a surveillance engine. For instance, if you browse the Web and you see a 'like' button in some page or some other site that has been displayed from Facebook. Therefore, Facebook knows that your machine visited that page.
Facebook 蹂躪它們的用戶。它不是你們的朋友;它就是個監控引擎。舉個例子,你是否曾在一些網頁或網站上看到 Facebook 的 「like」 按鍵。對,Facebook 知道你的電腦曾訪問過那些網頁。
關於 web 應用:
One reason you should not use web applications to do your computing is that you lose control.
給你個為什麼不應該使用 web 應用的理由,因為你失去了計算機的控制權。
If you use a proprietary program or somebody else's web server, you're defenceless. You're putty in the hands of whoever developed that software.
如果你使用私有程序或他人的 web 伺服器,那麼你只能任人魚肉。被軟體的開發者輕易操縱。
With paper printed books, you have certain freedoms. You can acquire the book anonymously by paying cash, which is the way I always buy books. I never use a credit card. I don't identify to any database when I buy books. Amazon takes away that freedom.
關於 MPAA:
Officially, MPAA stands for Motion Picture Association of America, but I suggest that MPAA stands for Malicious Power Attacking All.
MPAA 其實是 美國電影協會 ,但我認為叫做 攻擊萬物的邪惡力量 更為合適。
I could have made money this way, and perhaps amused myself writing code. But I knew that at the end of my career, I would look back on years of building walls to divide people, and feel I had spent my life making the world a worse place.
Proprietary software keeps users divided and helpless. Divided because each user is forbidden to redistribute it to others, and helpless because the users can't change it since they don't have the source code. They can't study what it really does. So the proprietary program is a system of unjust power.
A smartphone is a computer - it's not built using a computer - the job it does is the job of being a computer. So, everything we say about computers, that the software you run should be free - you should insist on that - applies to smart phones just the same. And likewise to those tablets.
智能手機就是電腦 —— 雖然做的和常用的電腦不同 —— 但是卻能幹電腦能幹的活。所以我們所說的一切有關於電腦上的軟體應該能自由運行 —— 必須堅持這一點 —— 在智能手機上也是這樣,當然也包括平板。
關於 CD 和數字內容:
CD stores have the disadvantage of an expensive inventory, but digital bookshops would need no such thing: they could write copies at the time of sale on to memory sticks, and sell you one if you forgot your own.
CD 商店有一個弱勢就是需要昂貴的庫存,但是電子商店就沒有這方面的需求:他們只需要將售賣的副本寫入記憶棒,並在你忘帶自己的記憶棒時賣你一個就是了。
關於 競爭範式 :
The paradigm of competition is a race: by rewarding the winner, we encourage everyone to run faster. When capitalism really works this way, it does a good job; but its defenders are wrong in assuming it always works this way.
關於 vi 和 emacs:
People sometimes ask me if it is a sin in the Church of Emacs to use vi. Using a free version of vi is not a sin; it is a penance. So happy hacking.
有時會有人問我在 Emacs 的陣營使用 vi 是不是一種罪過。使用自由版的 vi 並不是一種罪過;是一種自我懲罰。所以好好享受其中樂趣吧。
Value your freedom or you will lose it, teaches history. 'Don't bother us with politics', respond those who don't want to learn.
歷史告訴我們不珍惜自由便失去自由,然而有的人不懂吸取教訓,只知道說「別拿政治煩我們」。(LCTT 譯註:感謝 肖嵐 的修正意見。)
Fighting patents one by one will never eliminate the danger of software patents, any more than swatting mosquitoes will eliminate malaria.
Software patents are dangerous to software developers because they impose monopolies on software ideas.
In practice, the copyright system does a bad job of supporting authors, aside from the most popular ones. Other authors' principal interest is to be better known, so sharing their work benefits them as well as readers.
There is nothing wrong with wanting pay for work, or seeking to maximize one's income, as long as one does not use means that are destructive.
關於 Chrome OS:
In essence, Chrome OS is the GNU/Linux operating system. However, it is delivered without the usual applications, and rigged up to impede and discourage installing applications.
Chrome OS 確實是 GNU/Linux 的操作系統。但是,它在發布時沒有安裝常用應用,並為安裝他們設置了阻礙。
關於 Linux 用戶:
Many users of the GNU/Linux system will not have heard the ideas of free software. They will not be aware that we have ideas, that a system exists because of ethical ideals, which were omitted from ideas associated with the term 'open source.'
許多的 GNU/Linux 用戶並沒有聽過自由軟體。他們並沒有意識到,這個系統是因為道德理想才存在的,與此一起被忽視的還有所謂的「開源」。
關於 facebook 的隱私:
If there is a Like button in a page, Facebook knows who visited that page. And it can get IP address of the computer visiting the page even if the person is not a Facebook user.
如果頁面上有 「like」 按鍵,Facebook 就能知道誰訪問了頁面。即使不是 Facebook 的用戶,也可以得到訪問該頁面電腦的 IP 地址。
Programming is not a science. Programming is a craft.
My favorite programming languages are Lisp and C. However, since around 1992 I have worked mainly on free software activism, which means I am too busy to do much programming. Around 2008 I stopped doing programming projects.
Lisp 和 C 語言是我的最愛。然自 1992 年以來我主要工作在自由軟體活動上,導致我太忙了,沒法做更多的編程。大概在 2008 年我便停止了做編程項目。
C++ is a badly designed and ugly language. It would be a shame to use it in Emacs.
C++ 設計的真糟糕、真醜陋。在 Emacs 上用它應該覺得羞愧。
關於 鑽研 和學習編程:
People could no longer learn hacking the way I did, by starting to work on a real operating system, making real improvements. In fact, in the 1980s I often came across newly graduated computer science majors who had never seen a real program in their lives. They had only seen toy exercises, school exercises, because every real program was a trade secret. They never had the experience of writing features for users to really use, and fixing the bugs that real users came across. The things you need to know to do real work.
(時過境遷,)人們沒法再像我當初那樣通過改進實實在在的操作系統來學習編程了。上世紀 80 年代,我常遇見計算機專業的畢業生,有生以來沒見過真正的程序。他們接觸的到的只有小玩意和學校的作業,因為每一個程序都是商業機密。他們沒有機會為用戶去寫真正實用的特性,修復用戶真正遭遇的問題。而這些正是真正的工作中你需要掌握的(東西)。(LCTT 譯註:感謝 肖嵐 的改進意見。)
It is hard to write a simple definition of something as varied as hacking, but I think what these activities have in common is playfulness, cleverness, and exploration. Thus, hacking means exploring the limits of what is possible, in a spirit of playful cleverness. Activities that display playful cleverness have "hack value".
對於如「hacking」這般多樣化的東西真的很難簡單的下定義,不過在我看來諸如此類的行為都會有以下的這些共同點:嬉樂、智慧和探索。因此,hacking 意味著對可能的極限的探索,一顆嚮往快樂與智慧的心。能帶來快樂與智慧的行為就有 「hack 的價值」 。
For personal reasons, I do not browse the web from my computer. (I also have no net connection much of the time.) To look at page I send mail to a daemon which runs wget and mails the page back to me. It is very efficient use of my time, but it is slow in real time.
出於個人原因,我不會在我的電腦上瀏覽網頁。(大部分時間處於沒有網路連接的狀態。)要瀏覽網頁,我需要給一個守護進程發 mail,然後它會運行 wget 並把頁面通過 mail 發還給我。這對我而言已經是最效率了,但那真的比實時慢太多了。
Friends share music with each other, they don't allow themselves to be divided by a system that says that nobody is supposed to have copies.
via: https://tlhp.cf/fsf-richard-stallman/
作者:Pavlo Rudyi 譯者:martin2011qi 校對:wxy
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